Hello there! :)

Hello there! :)

Why this Blog? 👀

I'm Claudia Sardi, a passionate advocate for global social change and the voice behind this blog. My mission? To share with you thought-provoking analyses of contemporary issues, with a particular focus on the societal and political structures that shape our actions and experiences.

At the heart of my approach lies constructivism, a theory that posits that our actions as individuals are moulded by the socio-political landscape around us. What excites me most about this view is its powerful implication for change. If we can alter our external structures, we can shape the conduct of individuals operating within them.

But who am I? You could say I'm the product of a diverse, cross-cultural upbringing. Born to an Italian father , who dabbled in farming, gardening and worked in municipal maintenance, and a Mexican mother, a Professor of Sociology and Pedagogy back in Aguascalientes and a primary school teacher now in Italy.

Raised between Italy and Mexico, and surrounded by hard-working parents, I have learned to dispel misconceptions and challenge assumptions. Case in point - it's often believed that my mother migrated to Italy for better economic prospects. But in reality, she left behind a stable job at the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional in Aguascalientes, Mexico and the after-school center she founded for children with learning difficulties, to start again in Italy. This wasn’t driven by a search for wealth - she was also blissfully unaware of the tiny Tuscan island she now calls home - but by an enchanting love story that has given me a rich, bicultural background.

My diverse upbringing has significantly impacted my scholarly pursuits. I earned my undergraduate degree in BA International Studies from Goldsmiths University of London and my Master's in Global Studies from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. The intersection of diverse cultures, myriad perspectives, and extensive academia that I've grown up amidst has fueled my passion for understanding and instigating social change.

I now split my time between the UK, Slovakia, and Italy, bringing the unique experiences and perspectives from my dual heritage to my writings. I believe in countering misconceptions, debunking assumptions, and pushing boundaries to demonstrate the complexities of the world we live in.

That's enough of me (for now! :D)